Health And Beauty

Mini Dental Implants in South Denver CO

The technology for optimal oral health has improved a great deal in the last few years, which means that procedures are better than ever. One key development has been in the form of mini dental implants. Mini dental implants are less expensive and far less invasive than full, traditional implants, making them a great tooth replacement option for many patients. One of the best things about this may lie here in South Denver, CO where they have the ability to provide so many benefits that these implants are taking off! Read on to learn about mini dental implants in South Denver, CO and how they differ from traditional implants, what makes someone a good candidate for them, and more.

What Is a Mini Dental Implant?

They are smaller than the normal dental implants, hence the term “mini,” but they are often no more than half in diameter. Both are constructed of the same biocompatible materials such as titanium and both also serve the same purpose, replacing missing teeth to provide a stable foundation for dentures, crowns, or bridges. On the other hand, they are smaller in size and can be placed in a less-invasive procedure of access which is beneficial to some groups of patients.

Some Major Points about Mini Dental Implants

1. Size and Design

Traditional implants have a diameter of 3.5 to 6 millimeters, whereas MDIs typically have a diameter of 1.8 to 3.3 millimeters. Because of their reduced size, they can be positioned where conventional implants might not fit or in regions with less accessible bone.

2. Less Invasive Procedure

Mini dental implants can usually be installed with less invasive, one-visit treatment. Done under local anesthesia, as opposed to general it has a faster recovery time than “traditional” implants.

3. Immediate Loading

Most of the time, a mini dental implant can hold a prosthetic tooth for one day after it is placed. This immediate loading can be an advantage for patients who desire faster restoration of function and aesthetics.

Mini Dental Implants

1. Low Bone Density Patients

The area has a bit of difficulty because it requires a higher amount of bone density to be implant candidates, which makes traditional implants impossible. Sometimes patients who have experienced severe bone loss, from a long period of time without teeth or periodontal disease, are not ideal candidates for conventional dental implants without bone grafting. In places where there is relatively less bone, MDIs can be made which means that alternatives for others would also be available.

2. Elderly Patients

Because it is a much less invasive procedure, mini dental implants can be a good option for older adults. Given the shorter recovery time and less invasive nature of the surgery, MDIs can be a good option for seniors who may have other health conditions that could make them poor candidates for traditional implants.

3. Denture Wearers

Loose dentures can be stabilized with a great solution of miniature dental implants. They create a stable base that helps stop dentures from slipping and can benefit comfort and performance. This can be especially useful when it comes to lower dentures, which have a higher tendency towards dislodging.

As a result, mini dental implants are less invasive and that makes them a very appealing solution for tooth replacement to so many of our patients in South Denver, CO. If you need to resolve any of these problems or simply prefer a quicker, less expensive alternative to traditional implants, MDIs can provide the stability and appearance that you are looking for. Contact a local professional today, if you are interested in mini dental implants as a treatment for your missing teeth. You can have a much healthier and more appealing smile with proper care and professional attention to your teeth.

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